Monday 1 April 2019

Join a Hornsby Gym and make bring a huge change in your lifestyle!

To be physical y fit and strong is the new fashionable. Unless you have been living under a rock and still obsessed with size zero, the thigh gap challenge or any other crazy fitness test that make rounds on the internet to validate skinny people, 2019 is all about being healthy. It cannot be stressed enough that healthy looks different on every single person. Someone who is overweight than you might be healthier than you despite your small waist. If you intend to get fit, joining a Hornsby gym is the first step.

It is more like a psychological switch that when one starts paying for something they are more likely to make use of it, but that is not always the case. It is only your inner motivation that can help you work your way to and through a gym. When you join a gym, try measuring your body stats, your weight, height, and other body measurements. Taking pictures is also advisable as it is important that you measure your progress. In times of despair and lethargy your progress pictures will help you get up and go to the gym.  When you go to the gym for the first time there will be a resource person or a trainer who can give you an outline of what exercises you have to perform and what foods to have and what foods to avoid. Gyms charge extra for personal trainers so getting a general idea of everything should be good for you.

It is always advisable that you read up on fitness articles and blogs in your free time. Having an in-depth knowledge of how everything works is very important because most of the times people get depressed and lose hope out of ignorance. Reputable fitness websites and blogs teach you how to love your body and how to feel confident in your own skin. Like mentioned above, the skinny obsession is gone and people are now focusing on being healthy and fit. Healthy and fit do not mean protruding muscles and abs. Healthy is that your body is fully functional. One can gauge one’s fitness level on a general level by observing if they are able to perform normal day to day functions without getting tired or out of breath. Healthy looks different on everybody irrespective of their body type.

In addition to your gym routine, to increase your endurance and reduce body fat percentage is HIIT cardio. Short for High Intensity Interval Training, this is one of the best ways to burn fat all over your body. As its name suggests, you perform short bursts of activity and take a short rest and do it again and again. Let us take burpees for example. Burpees when normally done are done at a normal speed but when you are doing HIIT, you have to increase the speed a lot! Whereas as normal cardio level falls at an average 60 or 70%, HIIT requires a solid 85-90% of your will, strength and determination. These short bursts of activities make your pant for your life and increased heart rate is exactly what we aim for. In combination with HIIT, strength training in your Hornsby gym is also crucial. It helps in boosting your metabolism and also burns fat up to 48 hours of your workout.


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